Research on Spanking
ResearchonSpanking was created to address a small gap in corporal punishment advocacy. Acting as a repository of scientific abstracts on corporal punishment research, specifically the harms of corporal punishment, advocates can point to ResearchonSpanking as an easily accessible educational resource for parents, caregivers, teachers, healthcare professionals, religious leaders, and legislators.
More broadly, ResearchonSpanking seeks to assist organizations working toward the total elimination of corporal punishment as a legal, and socially acceptable, form of discipline across the globe.
Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Website Updates
Originally, ResearchonSpanking was created as a Google Site and was hosted by Google. Presently, ResearchonSpanking is hosted by Github and code written/modified by me. The website will be regularly updated with additional articles, though no set frequency exists. Other updates will occur as suggestions or ideas necessitate change. I have a basic testing site to house the site's files, which may also have work-in-progress features. You are welcome to view that as well, but things are highly subject to change.
Presently, ideas I am considering include the following:
Visitor Counter. This may require using Google Analytics, or another external service.Adding Author Names to Articles. Previously, authors were included but were removed in a recent update. The new search/filter function would provide additional utility for the website.
Article Tags/Filters Buttons. Creating buttons for automatically searching/filtering (e.g., psychiatric outcomes, specific authors, etc.).
Research Listserv. This would be a monthly/quarterly newsletter of the research published on corporal punishment (or things associated with it).
Positive Parenting Methods List. Creating a list of alternatives to corporal punishment for parents and caregivers.